
Overlanding In The Last American Frontier

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Overlanding In The Last American Frontier
Overlanding In The Last American Frontier

Most Americans can’t comprehend not only the vast size of the Alaska, by far the biggest state in the Union, but also its rugged nature. It’s called the last American frontier for good reason, having been kept mostly untamed, making it the perfect overlanding challenge for anyone not wanting to leave the US.

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Because so much of Alaska is virtually uninhabited, you’re not going to find a hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast. That makes overlanding the perfect way to really explore the interior of the state.

However, driving around in a state known for its ruggedness can pose some dangers. After all, the wildlife can be aggressive, especially the grizzlies, and mother nature is known for being harsh, even in the few warm months when overlanding is possible at all.


This means having cell phone coverage in Alaska isn’t likely, so you’ll need a satellite phone. Having plenty of food is also a must, just in case you run into mechanical issues with your rig, get stuck, or otherwise are delayed.

Remember to consult someone experienced when planning overlanding routes. Not everywhere in Alaska can be reached by even the most built rigs. Sometimes the only option is airplane, boat, or other vehicles, not four-wheeled machines.

Not only is there the vast wilderness to drink in, as Revere Overlander highlights in its overland journey documented on YouTube there are plenty of ghost towns to explore. For history buffs, that richness is enough to make any hardships endured along the trail more than worth it.

Some choose to make getting to Alaska an adventure, overlanding through Canada instead of just taking the paved highway. Back in the day it was a trecherous drive to Alaska from the US and while most people don’t want to recreate the danger, for others taking an even more difficult route is preferable.

Image via Lifestyle Overland/YouTube