
Truck Driver Swigs A Twisted Tea Right In Front Of A Trooper

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Truck Driver Swigs A Twisted Tea Right In Front Of A Trooper
Truck Driver Swigs A Twisted Tea Right In Front Of A Trooper

It’s been some time since we’ve seen a drunk driver with as much nerve as this guy who was pulled over by an Arkansas trooper. Instead of trying to hide his intoxicated state, he seems downright proud of it. Yet that doesn’t seem to impress the trooper for some weird reason.

Watch how Ohio troopers treat a fleeing carjacking and murder suspect.

This guy immediately gets the trooper’s attention by driving slowly on the shoulder of the highway. Even better, the rear passenger-side tire is shredded, the bare metal wheel spinning uselessly as the truck rolls along.


Amazingly, the suspect stops after the trooper turns on his lights. Then he quickly confesses he’s drunk, maybe realizing trying to hide that is futile. When the trooper tells him to get out of the truck and bring an open Twisted Tea with him, the suspect takes the opportunity to swallow another swig of the stuff.

That takes some nerve.

Just as bold, the guy gets out of the truck cab and starts going through his European carry-all, otherwise known as a murse, trying to find his license and other information for the trooper. That also takes some serious balls for another reason entirely.

Then the guy admits he’s been driving all the way from Houston to there, we’re guessing growing increasingly intoxicated while downing Twisted Teas and who knows what else. Kudos to the guy for not lying, but he seems to bear zero shame for driving drunk and continuing to drink while driving.

After that the guy explains he’s from Houston but had been driving all the way from Missouri. Having conversations with drunks sure can be confusing and maybe a little fun.

The trooper then does something we can’t believe we don’t see more often: he does a breathalyzer before doing a field sobriety test. Why more cops don’t do his we can’t explain but it makes sense to do it that way, at least to us.

Our suspect can’t even follow the trooper’s finger with his eyes and that’s enough to earn him a trip to jail. We’re still not sure if we should respect the guy’s honesty since he’s driving drunk, putting lives at danger, and seems to feel zero shame for it.

Image via Arkansas Police Activity/YouTube