
11 months after being shot at school, teen sees Crumbley in shackles

Almost 11 months after Phoebe Arthur was shot though the cheek, the neck, a lung and two ribs, she had recovered enough to walk into court to see the shooter plead guilty.

“It was my first time seeing him since and I didn’t react very much to seeing him because he appeared differently that day in my eyes,” said Phoebe, now a 15-year-old sophomore at Oxford High School.

Phoebe’s mom, Sandra Arthur Cunningham, sat with her arm draped over Phoebe’s shoulder, taking in a scene she described as a “surreal juxtaposition.”

“Phoebe was the first one that he shot when he came out of that bathroom,” Arthur Cunningham said. “And Phoebe was the first one that was by the door when he walked in today, only in shackles. … It was so weird to think about afterwards.”


More:Mom of Oxford shooting survivor shares details of daughter's recovery

Phoebe Arthur, 15, who was shot in the Oxford High School shooting, looks on as suspect Ethan Crumbley exits the courtroom after he pleads guilty for his role in the school shooting that occurred on Nov. 30, 2021, during a his appearance at the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022.
Phoebe Arthur, 15, who was shot in the Oxford High School shooting, looks on as suspect Ethan Crumbley exits the courtroom after he pleads guilty for his role in the school shooting that occurred on Nov. 30, 2021, during a his appearance at the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022.

'It's been a horrific year'

Arthur Cunningham said she felt fortunate because her daughter survived, while four others did not.

At the hearing Monday, Ethan Crumbley, now 16, admitted to wounding Phoebe and six others — and murdering Hana St. Juliana, 14; Tate Myre, 16; Madisyn Baldwin, 17, and Justin Shilling, 17.

Baldwin’s mother, Nicole Beausoleil, sat in the front row about 10 feet behind Crumbley as he answered yes when asked whether he shot Madisyn with the intent of killing her.

Beausoleil sobbed silently, bobbing her head up and down and using tissues to wipe tears from her eyes.

“It’s been a horrific year for her and I'm sure all the rest of the families,” said Wolfgang Mueller, a lawyer who represents the Beausoleil and Arthur families in civil suits.

“Today was a traumatic day," he said "And while there's a guilty plea, there's still plenty of answers that we need to find.”

The plea was expected in a case where the shooter’s identity was never in doubt. Investigators said school security cameras recorded the mass shooting in detail and Crumbley was arrested at the school with the weapon.

More:Ethan Crumbley: I gave my dad money to buy gun used in school shooting

More:Ethan Crumbley pleads guilty to Oxford school shooting: Here's what comes next.

A victim who didn't want to attend Crumbley's hearing

“Emotions are high. It's tough. It was tough to see him for the first time in person,” said Meghan Gregory.

Her son Keegan was terrorized, but not shot by Crumbley. Keegan decided to not attend the hearing, though he did thank his mom for providing him a link to an online stream of the proceeding.

“He struggles with the thought of being in the same room,” Gregory said after the hearing. “I think he was held hostage by him for almost six minutes. And so I think seeing him again is going to be a very tough day.”

Gregory said she was shocked to learn that Crumbley had paid for the murder weapon himself, giving the money to his dad to make the purchase just days before the shooting. That detail came out during the hearing.

Meghan Gregory, mother of victim Keegan Gregory, speaks to news media with her attorney Ven Johnson after Oxford High School shooting suspect Ethan Crumbley pleaded guilty for his role in the school shooting that occurred on Nov. 30, 2021, during a his appearance at the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022.
Meghan Gregory, mother of victim Keegan Gregory, speaks to news media with her attorney Ven Johnson after Oxford High School shooting suspect Ethan Crumbley pleaded guilty for his role in the school shooting that occurred on Nov. 30, 2021, during a his appearance at the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022.

Crumbley was wearing an orange jail jumpsuit when deputies brought him into the courtroom. He showed no outward emotion, answering "Yes," or "Yes, sir," to Judge Kwamé Rowe’s questions.

Moments after the hearing ended, Crumbley's defense lawyer, Paulette Michel Loftin, told the media he is remorseful.

“He definitely is,” she said “We have to all remember, he is a 16-year-old boy, so a very scary situation today to be in front of a number of cameras … hear the clicking … to be appearing in front of a judge. He’s taking accountability for his actions.”

'There's no soul there'

Ven Johnson, another civil lawyer who represents victim families, wasn’t convinced.

“It doesn’t do much for my clients, I can tell you that,” Johnson said.

Several families have sued the school district, claiming school officials could have done more to prevent the shooting.

Mueller said he didn’t detect any remorse.

“I'm frankly stunned at the lack of emotion,” Mueller said. “If he's going to plead guilty, I would have expected him to show some remorse in his face. And there was none. There’s no soul there. It was cold-blooded what he did, and while he may have been dealt a bad set of cards with the parents, it's still a choice that he made to do the harm and bring the tragedy to Oxford.”

More:Judge in Crumbley parents' case warns prosecutor: Don't taint the jury pool

More:Crumbleys appeal to judge: Prosecutor won't stop bad-mouthing us

Attorney Wolf Mueller, right, and attorney Ven Johnson speaks to news media after Oxford High School shooting suspect Ethan Crumbley pleads guilty for his role in the school shooting that occurred on Nov. 30, 2021, during a his appearance at the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022.
Attorney Wolf Mueller, right, and attorney Ven Johnson speaks to news media after Oxford High School shooting suspect Ethan Crumbley pleads guilty for his role in the school shooting that occurred on Nov. 30, 2021, during a his appearance at the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022.

Johnson said the fact that Crumbley paid for the gun himself was important, as was the fact that he carried the gun in his backpack. Johnson said Oxford school officials have said in civil depositions that the gun wasn’t in the backpack.

The courtroom was packed with relatives of the victims who sat silently through the proceeding. Several of them exchanged hugs when it was over, before leaving out a back door of the court, avoiding the media.

A dozen Oakland County sheriff deputies stood guard in the courtroom and one of them gave people inside a heads-up when Crumbley was about to enter.

Victims will have a chance to speak

"If there is a blessing, and it is a very small one, this defendant — through his guilty plea — has spared the impacted families, surviving victims, and grief-stricken community further trauma by having to re-live the events of Nov. 30 in a court trial," Sheriff Michael Bouchard said in a statement.

At a news conference after the hearing, Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald said every person in Oxford High School when the shooting happened will have a chance, if they choose, to speak about how they have been affected.

“That’s why the decision to charge the shooter with terrorism, and the plea today, are so important,” she said.

McDonald said her office engaged in no plea negations, no plea offers and no sentencing agreements. Crumbley pleaded guilty as charged to 24 counts.

Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard, Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald and Oakland County Executive David Coulter during a news conference after the guilty plea entered by Ethan Crumbley in front of Circuit Court Judge Kwame Rowe on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022 at Oakland County Courthouse.
Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard, Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald and Oakland County Executive David Coulter during a news conference after the guilty plea entered by Ethan Crumbley in front of Circuit Court Judge Kwame Rowe on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022 at Oakland County Courthouse.

He faces up to life in prison when sentenced.

“I sat with victims, and this is hard for them,” McDonald said. “It’s emotional, but it’s a step forward."

Evidence to be presented at hearing Feb. 9

Because of recent changes in the law, juveniles charged as adults no longer face mandatory life in prison for first-degree murder convictions, though it’s still a possibility.

Because Crumbley was 15 at the time of the school shooting, he’s entitled to a hearing where the prosecutors and the defense can present evidence about the crimes, his background and other factors that could influence the judge’s sentencing decision.

That hearing, called a Miller hearing, is scheduled for Feb. 9.

McDonald said it’s too soon to tell what type of sentence prosecutors will pursue.

Bouchard referred to Crumbley as “twisted and evil" and said he hopes he is sentenced to life without parole.

When asked what sentence she planned to seek in the case, Crumbley’s attorney Loftin said: “We would absolutely love a term of years.”

Paulette Michel Loftin, one of the attorneys for Ethan Crumbley, talks with reporters in front of chambers of Circuit Court Judge Kwame Rowe on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022 at Oakland County Courthouse.
Paulette Michel Loftin, one of the attorneys for Ethan Crumbley, talks with reporters in front of chambers of Circuit Court Judge Kwame Rowe on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022 at Oakland County Courthouse.

Will Crumbley testify against his parents?

Earlier in the case, defense attorneys notified the court they could seek an insanity defense.

“Based on the conversations that we’ve had, and the review of the discovery, we felt it appropriate to withdraw that and have him plead guilty,” Loftin said.

Crumbley remains locked up in the Oakland County Jail. He is segregated from other prisoners, including his parents, who are incarcerated there as well.

Jennifer and James Crumbley are awaiting trial on charges of involuntary manslaughter, accused of buying the gun their son used in the shooting and neglecting to tell school official he had access it. Prosecutors also say the parents ignored the boy’s mental health needs.

Loftin said Ethan Crumbley could be called as a witness in his parents' case, but she was unsure whether that will happen at this point.

Asked whether she expected Ethan Crumbley to testify in the hearing scheduled before his sentencing, she said: “That is still a question. We don’t have a decision on that yet.”

Phoebe and others were relieved by the plea, which avoids a trial for Ethan Crumbley. Her mom said Ethan Crumbley took responsibility for his actions before others.

“It’s interesting that a 16-year-old has done that before … the parents, before the school,” she said. “We definitely still want accountability to be held from the parents and from the school because … they all played in part in this horrific, preventable tragedy.”

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This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: 11 months after being shot at school, teen watches Crumbley plead guilty