
122 MPH PIT On a Fleeting Lexus Ejects The Driver

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122 MPH PIT On a Fleeting Lexus Ejects The Driver
122 MPH PIT On a Fleeting Lexus Ejects The Driver

It wasn’t all that long ago we were commenting about how few police chase videos we’ve seen involving suspects in a Lexus. They’re rare for sure, especially compared to those with Dodges, Rams, Camaros, Mustangs, Infinitis, and even Hondas, but today we have a real while one where in the end the Lexus is pitted at high speed as the driver flies out of the window.

Watch a Lexus RC-F run from a Georgia trooper.

The chase started with a simple traffic stop over speeding on the highway in Little Rock, Arkansas. This suspect was pulled over by a trooper and at first appeared compliant. But we all know how these stops can go from calm to explosive in no time, something cops have on their mind when they pull you over for speeding.


However, partway through the stop the suspect takes off and the trooper gives chase. Pretty soon the pursuit leaves the highway and winds through surface streets. Pretty soon we see the Lexus handles better than some might guess and that the trooper can handle her Charger better than most.

She even sticks a landing when entering an intersection with a crowned road, catching a little bit of air. Considering what land hippos Chargers are, that’s talented.

The suspect’s talents eventually run out as she’s pitted by the trooper at 122 mph after getting back on the highway. She also apparently doesn’t believe in seatbelts as she made an emergency exit through the window as the Lexus rolled several times.

Some people have taken issue with the trooper chasing the suspect at high speeds through neighborhoods, all seemingly over a speeding ticket. After all, at that point she knew who the suspect was, so why not just file charges without risking the public’s safety?

We see what they’re talking about, but we’ve also seen suspects like this take off seemingly just over a speeding ticket, usually because they have warrants or something illegal in their ride, and even when police stop chasing they keep driving like a bat out of hell.

Not everyone will agree with how ASP handles these situations. One thing we do know is running from a trooper in Arkansas is a dumb idea, whether or not you like the department’s pursuit policies.

Image via Police Pursuits

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