
Here's How to Use a Bumper-Mounted Winch Properly

Photo credit: Team O'Neil Rally School - YouTube
Photo credit: Team O'Neil Rally School - YouTube

From Road & Track

One of the many modifications hardcore off-roaders make to their vehicles is a bumper-mounted winch. It's a spool of rope or metal wire with a motor that, when tied to something solid like a tree or rock, can pull an entire truck out of the mud with tension. But there's more to winching than just tying a rope around a tree and hitting the go button. Here's how to operate a winch properly.

The folks at the Team O'Neil Rally School put together a comprehensive video demonstrating exactly how to operate a bumper-mounted winch to get out of sticky situation safely. Using the school's '90s Jeep Cherokee, Instructor Wyatt Knox goes through the basics of how a winch works, and what kinds of winches you may have to deal with. (There's more than one type of rope. Did you know that? I didn't know that.)


The video's pretty lengthy-around a half-hour in total. But it's packed full of useful information you should be aware of the next time you operate a winch. Check it out right here.

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