
Arizona Teen Allegedly Shoots, Kills Man During Road Rage Confrontation

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Arizona Teen Allegedly Shoots, Kills Man During Road Rage Confrontation
Arizona Teen Allegedly Shoots, Kills Man During Road Rage Confrontation

An 18-year-old Arizona man, Jaidev Christian Spicely, has been charged with second-degree murder after allegedly shooting and killing another man during a road rage confrontation in the city of Surprise. This happened in front of the victim’s wife and children as well as other witnesses at a busy intersection on the afternoon of July 27.

Police in Colorado are on the hunt for a road rage shooter.

According to multiple reports, after an angry exchange while driving, the two cars stopped at a red light. That’s when 33-year-old James Nichola Solano-Aguilar got out of his vehicle and walked up to Spicely’s window. Allegedly, the man had no weapons in his hands.


That’s when Spicely opened fire, hitting Solano-Aguilar multiple times. His wife got out of the family car and took a photo of Spicely’s vehicle as he drove off. Witnesses claim Spicely almost hit several other cars while honking and openly laughing.

Solano-Aguilar was transported to a hospital and later pronounced dead. About an hour after the shooting, Spicely called police to turn himself in. Thanks to a search warrant, investigators found a loaded 9mm handgun in the man’s room, the same two ammunition brands as the spent casings found at the crime scene, and on Spicely’s mother’s car dried red stains on the outside of the driver’s door.

We imagine Spicely will argue he felt fearful for his life when Solano-Aguilar walked up to his window. Since we’re not attorneys, we couldn’t speculate if that would be an effective argument in an Arizona court.

What we do know is engaging in road rage can potentially be deadly. Everyone needs to count to ten or sing a song or whatever instead of flying off the handle becomes someone cuts them off or doesn’t use their turn signal.

And we also know when people start getting out of their cars to confront other drivers, bad things happen. Stay calm, stay in your vehicle, and stop taking everything on the road personally.

Image via Arizona’s Family/YouTube

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