
Aston Martin Speeder Gets A Slap On The Wrist And A Warning

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Aston Martin Speeder Gets A Slap On The Wrist And A Warning  
Aston Martin Speeder Gets A Slap On The Wrist And A Warning

An Aston Martin driver was caught by police doing 93 mph in a 60 mph zone outside Armagh, Northern Ireland. While being more than 30 mph over the speed limit in the US and many other areas would warrant a stiff penalty, possibly jail time and impounding the vehicle, the driver got off with a slap on the wrist and a warning from the judge.

Watch a Toyota Camry try teaching Arkansas troopers a thing or two.

Perhaps there is such a thing as Aston Martin privilege after all. According to local news outlet Armaghi, Samuel Scott said he was going from a wedding to a dinner afterward when he was pulled over by police for speeding on May 30.


Concerned about finding the place where the dinner was being held, he apparently didn’t watch his speed. We know from driving plenty of fast cars it’s easy to get going well over the limit if you’re not paying attention, so we think that checks out.

The judge seemed to buy that reason as well, imposing a £200 fine and a £15 offender levy for the offense. Considering Scott owns an Aston Martin, that’s not even pocket change for the guy. He also picked up six penalty points on his license.

While some might believe that’s too light of a consequence, the judge did warn him if he has “any further infringement” and Scott would have his driving privileges revoked.

Working in his favor was a clean driving record and an apology letter penned by Scott in which he explained he feels “sincerely remorseful.” Facing possible license suspension, we can understand why.

Reportedly, the judge was also swayed by Scott’s charitable work through an exotic car club he belongs to. We know of many such organizations which do amazing things for their local community, showing they’re not just about serving their own selfish interests.

This is yet another reason why if you’re not part of a car club, especially one that does charity events, you might want to consider joining one.

Image via Aston Martin

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