
Attempted Dodges Heist From Storage Lot Results In Big Damages

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Attempted Dodges Heist From Storage Lot Results In Big Damages
Attempted Dodges Heist From Storage Lot Results In Big Damages

Storage lots where new vehicles are kept before being shipped to dealers have become popular targets for thieves. One in Warren, Michigan near the Dodge factory in town was hit recently by a group which couldn’t get away with the boosted rides but still did half a million in damages in the process.

City sells a stolen car and keeps the cash.

At about 6:30 am on August 19 police received an alert that the attempted heist was going down at the storage lot. Upon responding to the scene, officers found two brand new Dodge Durangos actively ramming the security gate, trying to break it down so the four teenagers and adult present could drive other new cars away, says Click On Detroit.


However, the suspects didn’t break the gates, instead trashing the Durangos to the point they couldn’t move at all. It’s almost like these kids think SUVs can take all the damage you dish out and never break, like they’re playing a video game.

Realizing the police were there and they couldn’t drive away in stolen cars, the suspects instead scattered on foot. Officers were able to chase down all but one of them, taking them into custody.

We wonder what consequences, if any, the two 16- and 17-year-olds will face. After all, they often are released into the custody of their parents who don’t care or can’t control them and so are back on the streets stealing more cars the next day.

Another observation is that these storage lots seem to be getting much better security measures after years of their being raided. While about $500,000 in damage was done to the Durangos and that gate, police believe these suspects were going to steal six new Durangos, so the loss would’ve been even greater.

Image via Click On Detroit

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