
This Bachelor-Party Subaru Outback Limo Is Perfectly Absurd

Photo credit: Brandon England
Photo credit: Brandon England

From Car and Driver

Get a group of car enthusiasts together, and goofy ideas flow. Ideas like, say, chopping up a Subaru Outback and a Legacy wagon you have lying around and making a limousine out of the two. You know, the sort of thing that everyone does.

We first came across photos of the Subaru limo on Facebook over the weekend and reached out to the guys who created it. Brandon England, co-owner of The Sube Shop in Morgantown, West Virginia, told R&T the limo came about when prepping for a friend's bachelor party. The group planned on renting a van, but England, the designated driver, didn't want anything to do with it.


"There's no way we're renting a van," England said. "We've got enough Subaru stuff laying around here, let's just make something cool. And my buddy was like, 'Oh my God. Can we please do a limousine?'"

England said he and two friends built the limo over seven hours before and after work. The Outback at the shop was completely rotted out at the back, whereas the rear of the Legacy wagon was structurally sound. They cut the Outback a few inches behind the front door and wedded that to the back half of the Legacy. The guys welded in metal tubing to join the roof rails together and plates at the bottom of the car for extra support. The middle door is welded in place, and cladding from another Outback was added to give the limo a uniform look.

It almost works, somehow.

The Subaru limo remains all-wheel drive, too. England said they were able to use part of the front driveshaft of the Legacy to connect with the driveline of the Outback. They even added cushions behind the front seats, so more people could ride in the back.

On the street, England said car enthusiasts, especially Subaru aficionados, noticed this wild creation. They were even invited to a car meet by someone passing by.

England and his friends planned on destroying the limo after the bachelor party—death by jump was floated as a possible scenario—but they didn't end up doing so. Beyond that, there are no major plans for the car.

Building something like this is lot of work to avoid driving a van, but it's also a testament to the joyful results when car people act on a silly idea.

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