
C7 Corvette Roasts On Florida Highway

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C7 Corvette Roasts On Florida Highway
C7 Corvette Roasts On Florida Highway

It’s always sad to see a cool car like this C7 Corvette on fire. This sad incident unfolded on the Dolphin Expressway near Doral, Florida recently, with all but the very back end of the American sports car engulfed by the time someone took cellphone video of the blaze and shared it with CBS Miami.

Watch a C7 Z06 Corvette almost wreck out big time.

Coverage of the car fire was incredibly brief for whatever reason. We’re guessing authorities didn’t share anything about the potential cause, so we’ve waited for an update that hasn’t come. That has led us to speculate about what might have happened.


You can tell from the video the fire didn’t start in the rear at the gas tank, which isn’t surprising considering all the frame reinforcements and other safety measures for fuel tanks in modern vehicles (thank you for that, Ford).

Instead, if we had to guess, and we’re going to, it looks like the fire stared somewhere in the engine compartment and spread into the cabin. A number of things could have sparked a blaze there, causing it to move rapidly.

One possibility is a fuel leak by the injectors or filter. Other fluid leaks can also start fires, although considering how new the ‘Vette such a thing is less likely to be a factor. But it still could have happened.

Since we don’t see another car anywhere nearby, we don’t think this was the result of a crash. It’s possible the C7 Corvette rearended another vehicle which fled the scene, or that the Chevy hit the median wall.

An electrical fire is another possibility. Those can happen in newer rides, especially if there’s been damage from another incident which hasn’t been properly fixed.

Can you think of any other potential causes for this blaze?

Image via CBS Miami/YouTube

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