
Car Listing Red Flags, Dumbest Tickets And Poverty Buttons In This Week's QOTD Roundup

Image: Rivian, Photo: Spencer Platt (Getty Images), Sonja Flemming/CBS (Getty Images), Martin Diebel (Getty Images), Joe Raedle (Getty Images), John Keeble (Getty Images), Screenshot: <a class="link " href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Mailbox Reviews/YouTube;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas">Mailbox Reviews/YouTube</a>

These Are The Things Still Keeping You From Buying An EV

2027 Rivian R3 - Image: Rivian
2027 Rivian R3 - Image: Rivian

Despite the growth of EV sales, many are still choosing not to make the switch from gas to electric. Many of the reasons, like price and charging infrastructure are valid; others stem from misinformation or bias. - Lawrence Hodge Read More

What’s The Biggest Red Flag To Find On A Car Listing?

Photo: Spencer Platt (Getty Images)
Photo: Spencer Platt (Getty Images)

We’ve all fallen down the Facebook Marketplace rabbit hole scouring used car listings until you realize that three hours have passed and there’s no way you could comfortably afford anything. While we haven’t accumulated a 20-car garage of exclusively second-generation Toyota Priuses, we accrued enough experience to notice the signs of a shady listing online. - Ryan Erik King Read More

These Are The Dumbest Things You’ve Ever Been Ticketed For

Episodic coverage of Judge Judy for the CBS special. - Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS (Getty Images)
Episodic coverage of Judge Judy for the CBS special. - Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS (Getty Images)

Just so we’re clear, ACAB. Need proof? Read about the asinine, pedantic, and trivial reasons that cops have cited our sweet innocent audience. Last week I asked you to share the dumbest things you’ve ever been ticketed for; reading some of your answers made my blood boil, and imagining myself in your positions infuriated me. The rules of the road are put in place to maintain order and to keep road users safe, but the enforcement of these rules varies drastically between regions. In big cities you can usually get away with a lot of small infractions, but the minute you enter a sleepier town you’d better knuckle down and remember your driver’s training courses because those cops have nothing better to do than to pop you for a minor infraction. - Logan Carter Read More

These Are The Biggest Car Ad Red Flags

Photo: Martin Diebel (Getty Images)
Photo: Martin Diebel (Getty Images)

Earlier this week we asked readers to share the biggest red flags to avoid on car listings. Deception was the general theme from the responses in the comments section. Naturally, no one wants to feel like they’re being deceived when they’re looking for a used car. Obnoxious sellers were a close second, but without further ado, here are the biggest red flags on car listings: - Ryan Erik King Read More

This Is What You Would Make Your Car’s Poverty Buttons Do

A steering wheel of a Jeep Wrangler is seen as the vehicle sits on the sales lot at the Hollywood Chrysler Jeep dealership on December 1, 2015 in Hollywood, Florida. - Photo: Joe Raedle (Getty Images)
A steering wheel of a Jeep Wrangler is seen as the vehicle sits on the sales lot at the Hollywood Chrysler Jeep dealership on December 1, 2015 in Hollywood, Florida. - Photo: Joe Raedle (Getty Images)

There’s no shame in a lower-tier vehicle (my own car is smack in the middle) but there is shame in having no imagination. I wanted to know what fantastical options you’d add to the missing buttons on your steering wheel and cockpit. I expected rocket launchers and seltzer dispensers, but while I got a few of those, some of you are far too practical. - Erin Marquis Read More

What Would You Make Your Car’s Poverty Buttons Do?

Screenshot: <a class="link " href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Mailbox Reviews/YouTube;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas">Mailbox Reviews/YouTube</a>

Poverty buttons: those little blank spaces on the steering wheel and infotainment system where the features for high-trimmed vehicles would be available, if a broke sad sack like you had any features. They don’t need to be reminders of your failures however, they can be a window into your imagination. - Erin Marquis Read More

What’s The Best Off-Roader Of All Time?

Gif: VoyageATX via YouTube
Gif: VoyageATX via YouTube

Off-roading is more popular than ever. With high-riding SUVs becoming more and more mainstream, Safari-esque sports cars from the factory and a huge aftermarket for getting your vehicle off-road-ready, you can tell that just about everyone is into driving off the beaten path. That’s what led me to today’s question. - Andy Kalmowitz Read More

What Useless Car Tech Could You Happily Live Without?

What’s the worst technology to ever find its way into a car? - Photo: John Keeble (Getty Images)
What’s the worst technology to ever find its way into a car? - Photo: John Keeble (Getty Images)

Love it or loathe it, cutting-edge technology is working its way into almost every aspect of driving. There’s new safety tech to keep you in lane, modern infotainment systems that keep everything just a touchscreen away and even the way we change gears has been transformed. But not all this tech is good tech, and today we want to uncover some of the modern features that you could happily do without. - Owen Bellwood Read More

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