
Car Sing-A-Long Turns Into Blown Tire Ride-A-Long: Video

You've been there before... you're in the car with some good friends, and one of your favorite tunes comes on. What do you do? You all sing along and belt out that tune together, of course! That's what four friends were doing, and one of them happened to have a camera on a selfie stick to capture the fun. The "fun" however, quickly turned to terror when one of the tires on the car decided that there were clearly no American Idols in the cabin.

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A blow-out is never fun, but it seems that everyone escaped this one unharmed. Sure, you could all criticize the driver here but if you watch closely it seems like she's actually paying a good deal of attention to the road in front of her. No, sticking the camera near her face isn't a great idea. Regardless, this could've all turned out much worse.


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