
Creepy close-up images of the sun reveal yarn-like strands, dark pores, and a 'light bridge' crossing a decaying sunspot

collage of seven close up images of the solar surface showing bright yellow plasma cells, dark deep sunspots surrounded by tendrils, and whispy stringy atmosphere layers
A collage of new images of the sun's surface, from the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope.NSF/AURA/NSO

The sun looks surprisingly stringy and porous in a series of new images from the world's most powerful solar telescope. It's almost creepy.

The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope has been observing the sun from the Hawaiian island of Maui since it first opened in 2020. That year, the observatory captured the most high-resolution images ever taken of the sun, showing its surface in unprecedented detail.


Its first video, below, showed roiling solar plasma, each cell the size of Texas. But that was just the beginning.

solar surface plasma inouye telescope
A movie from the Inouye Solar Telescope shows how the sun's plasma moves across its surface.NSO/NSF/AURA

The National Solar Observatory (NSO) released the telescope's latest images on Friday, and they show a whole new side of the sun.

Close-up images of dying sunspots

For instance, maybe you've seen a sunspot from a distance, like in the image below.

Sunspots, like the one shown here are cooler than their surroundings, which is why they appear black.NASA Goddard on YouTube

But up close, with the Inouye telescope, sunspots look like a hellish abyss with a thick border of firey tendrils.

close up of dark black hole on the solar surface with stringy dark orange filaments bordering it and bright yellow cells of plasma beyond
A sunspot up close. The shadowy center is the umbra, and the yarn-like structures surrounding it are the penumbra.NSF/AURA/NSO

Sunspots are regions of the solar surface where the magnetic field is so strong it essentially chokes the solar atmosphere, making the region cooler and appear darker than its surroundings.

A sunspot isn't really a hole, but it sure looks like one. That dark, gaping maw at the center of the sunspot is called the "umbra" — the shadow — and the surrounding stringy structures are the "penumbra."

bright yellow solar surface with scale-like cells of plasma and a large sunspot with stringy filaments reaching outward and smaller sunspots beside it
A sunspot and its stringy penumbra stand out against the cells of bubbling plasma on the sun's surface.NSF/AURA/NSO

Sunspots are constantly forming, evolving, and dying on the sun.

Therefore, "one never can observe the exact same sunspot again. Every sunspot as such is a little bit different also depending on the 'age' or 'evolutionary phase' the sunspot is in," Alexandra Tritschler, a senior scientist at the NSO, told Insider in an email.

The Inouye telescope hasn't even reached its full capabilities yet. It's still in a transition phase as it builds up to full operations, according to the NSO press release. But it can already capture enough detail to show that the sunspot in the above image is probably dying.

Zooming in on the above image, the telescope reveals that the dark spots next to the large sunspot have no penumbra — indicating that they are fragments of the larger spot's umbra. That means the sunspot is breaking up, and probably coming to an end.

faint closing sunspots dark holes on the solar surface amid bright yellow plasma cells
These umbra remnants indicate the sunspot is probably decaying.NSF/AURA/NSO

Observations like this could be helpful for forecasting space weather. Sunspots can trigger explosive outbursts or floods of magnetic fields and electrically charged particles, which can wreak magnetic havoc on Earth. That can sometimes cause radio blackouts, fry power grids, confuse GPS, and deorbit satellites.

Another Inouye image captured the early signature of a decaying sunspot: a "light bridge." That's the lane of bright material — higher-temperature plasma — cutting across the sunspot below. It's likely to break up the umbra into fragments.

giant sunspot on a dark orange segment of the sun's surface with a tendril border and a "light bridge" of plasma cells cutting across the middle dividing the spot into three sections
A "light bridge" of hotter plasma stretches across the umbra of a sunspot, indicating that the spot is beginning to die.NSF/AURA/NSO

Dark thin threads and almost-sunspots

Then there are almost-sunspots. These are little dark spots in the sun's surface where magnetic fields are concentrated, but not strong enough to gain the tendrils of a penumbra. These are called pores.

"Pores are essentially sunspots that have not had or will never have a penumbra," NSO wrote in its release.

The below images show some of those pores, alongside another phenomenon: dark, thin threads of plasma in the sun's lower atmosphere. Those "fibrils" are probably generated by the pores on the surface below.

a turblent segment of the sun's surface where wind-like curving lines of the upper atmosphere sweep over plasma cells and dark pores below
Dark "pores" on the solar surface indicate powerful magnetic fields, which are likely driving the dark threads visible in the atmosphere above.NSF/AURA/NSO

Let's take another look at those fibrils in the solar atmosphere. They hint at the networks of magnetic fields below.

bright yellow surface of the sun with a seam running across diagonally with stringy whisps of dark yellow running across the seam like ribs
A cluster of fibrils — dark threads of plasma — follow networks of magnetic fields on the sun.NSF/AURA/NSO

Up close, they almost make the sun look like a painting.

zoomed in section of the bright yellow solar surface with faint whispy stripes
Fibrils up close.NSF/AURA/NSO

Quiet regions of the sun

The less active, or "quiet," parts of the sun look like the below image. Hot plasma rises from deep below and forms these kernel-like bubbles at the surface.

a segment of the solar surface made up of hundreds of scale-like cells of bright yellow plasma with dark orange borders
An inactive region of the solar surface, with no sunspots, is made up of cells of plasma.NSF/AURA/NSO

As that bubbling plasma cools, its density decreases, causing it to fall back below the surface, through the dark lanes between cells.

close up about a dozen cells of plasma on the sun's surface
The bright yellow surface plasma cools until its density is so low that it drops below the surface, through the dark lanes between cells.NSF/AURA/NSO

These images are just a "small fraction" of the data from Inouye's first observing cycle, according to NSO. Scientists think Inouye's observations will help them understand the sun's magnetic fields and the drivers of eruptions that cause solar storms on Earth.

bright yellow solar surface with whispy layer of atmosphere above plasma cells underneath
A portrait of fibrils in the sun's atmosphere.NSF/AURA/NSO

The telescope will also continue to beam back stunning imagery of our star.

"Bringing the telescope to its full potential, we expect the coming years to be very exciting," Tritschler said.

Read the original article on Business Insider