
Dana White Crashes His 1969 Camaro

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Dana White Crashes His 1969 Camaro
Dana White Crashes His 1969 Camaro

We guess when you have as much money and influence as UFC President and CEO Dana White, crashing your ultra-expensive 1969 Chevy Camaro into your house isn’t that big of a deal. White plowed the classic muscle car into his home while celebrating Independence Day, making some fireworks of his own.

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The custom ’69 Camaro was shown in a series of photos taken by someone at the White residence to be impaled on the corner of the family’s house. Not only is the hood buckled and the front fascia badly damaged, the house’s siding looks seriously damaged and there might be some structural issues to iron out.

Image via supercar.fails/Instagram
Image via supercar.fails/Instagram

Instead of sitting next to the muscle car crying in the photos, White is sitting on the hood or standing on it with family members. They’re posing smiling like it’s some joyous event. Maybe that’s because it will be one 4th of July which will always be remembered.


It’s possible White is also smiling because of how he crashed the Camaro. After all, when one shows off with a high-powered, rear-wheel-drive performance vehicle, that person is taking a huge risk. Anyone who doesn’t understand that would obviously be shocked and perhaps devastated at such an accident.

Image via supercar.fails/Instagram
Image via supercar.fails/Instagram

But not White. It might be also that the man has fought through plenty of adversity in his life and he knows setbacks like this are nothing to get overly emotional over. After all, it’s just a car and nobody was seriously hurt or worse. There are more important things in life.

We have no idea how much it will cost Dana White to fix his ’69 Camaro. Whatever the amount, it’s likely just chump change to the man versus a huge financial hit if not an overwhelming sum to your average enthusiast. This must be what they mean when some people claim money can in fact buy happiness.

Images via supercar.fails/Instagram