
Dodge Charger Goes Bowling At A Gas Station

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Dodge Charger Goes Bowling At A Gas Station
Dodge Charger Goes Bowling At A Gas Station

The Dodge Charger has a reputation which isn’t always so positive. Among the more negative stereotypes is that they’re fat little porkers which will plow through anything the driver with a low credit score desires to hit. Unfortunately, this incident where one went bowling at a gas station in Greensboro, North Carolina isn’t going to do much to dispel that perception.

Watch a police officer pull a woman out of a burning truck.

Shocking footage shared by local news station WFMY shows the Mopar blast through the intersection and veer right into one of the gas station pumps on the night of January 6. Gasoline sprayed into the air like some sort of sick fountain while one Good Samaritan tried to help the people in the Dodge and another ran into the station to get the attendant to shut the gas off.


Fortunately, the man who helped get the people out of the Charger was a doctor. Unfortunately, he said the father and daughter inside were badly injured. He mentioned that the father got out and started wandering around the gas station, unaware what day it was even.

An updated report on January 9 indicates the driver was charged with DWI, so that might explain why the guy didn’t know what day it was and wandered around aimlessly. That poor decision injured his teenage daughter and the driver.

What’s more, the gas station, called Pantry Shop, might have to keep the gas pumps shut down for months while replacing the one that was damaged. That’s an unfortunate reality for the small local business. It sounds like some people in the community are rallying around the gas station owner, pledging to buy items out of the convenience store in the meantime.

This crash shows how driving while under the influence not only can affect your life negatively, it hurts others, including people you’ve never met. This is why calling a taxi, Uber, or a friend instead of getting behind the wheel is the right thing to do.

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