
Ginny & Georgia's Antonia Gentry Talks Season 1 Cliffhanger, Marcus vs. Hunter

Warning: The following contains major spoilers for Ginny & Georgia‘s finale. Proceed at your own risk!

Ginny, where are you going?!

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The Netflix dramedy Ginny & Georgia concluded its first season with a runaway teen, after Ginny discovered that her mother poisoned her stepfather. (Georgia had witnessed him, suggestively, putting his hands on her daughter.) With that dangerous secret now revealed to her, Ginny grabbed her little brother and fled their home in fear of her mom.


But where will Ginny find safety? And what’s her future with ex-boyfriend Hunter and maybe-boyfriend Marcus? To get answers to those burning questions and more, TVLine turned to her portrayer Antonia Gentry.

TVLINE | After their “oppression Olympics” fight and then him finding out that Ginny slept with Marcus, are Hunter and Ginny just beyond repair?
Man, I feel bad for them all. Marcus always has the right thing to say. Honestly, I don’t know. If I were Hunter, I would just be kind of done with it. I feel like they are better off as friends, maybe, than in a relationship with each other, just because Ginny really has so much she needs to figure out. With Marcus, he knows her secrets, and they have this really intimate friendship that is just different than the kind of intimacy that she has with Hunter. So I feel like, gosh, it’s just so complicated. If I were Hunter, I’d stay away from it all. That’s what I’m going to say. [Laughs]

Ginny & Georgia Recap
Ginny & Georgia Recap