
Lamborghini LM002 On Display In The UAE

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There aren’t many of these things around.

Of all the legendary off-roaders made back in the 80s, the Lamborghini LM002 is often overlooked. That could be due to its limited production, even though celebrity owners like Sylvester Stallone and Mike Tyson helped boost awareness of its existence. As a result, many have seen this rig online and in photos, but few have beheld it in the flesh.

Learn more about the Rambo Lambo here.

However, if you happen to be living in or visiting the United Arabe Emirates, you can see one on display at the Off-Road History Museum located in Al Shuwaib, which is situated in the Sharjah desert, says The National. That sounds a bit out of the way compared to Dubai, where one was for sale at a dealership but was reportedly purchased by a mysterious new owner.


The Off-Road History Museum is a private collection of rigs owned by Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan, with some of his rides on display at other museums in Morocco, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah. What really interests us is the Lambo, which back in the day was called “The Cheetah” by the Italians.

The 4x4 uses the company’s famous V12 for plenty of tire-squealing performance, a design which seems ill-advised and is partially why we love it. Just like so many things from the 80s, it’s over-the-top and glorious, unlike some more modern rigs.

This particular Lambo has quite the list of previous owners. This one was not only driven by Mike Tyson but also Muammar Qaddafi (the Libyan dictator), and Pablo Escobar (yes, that Pablo Escobar). We can imagine if it could talk the thing could tell quite the stories.

To be able to see such a vehicle in person would be a real treat, although we won’t be making the trip to UAE just for that.

Image via Lamborghini

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