
Man Who Stole Guy Fieri’s Lamborghini Could Be Getting Out Of Prison

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Man Who Stole Guy Fieri’s Lamborghini Could Be Getting Out Of Prison
Man Who Stole Guy Fieri’s Lamborghini Could Be Getting Out Of Prison

You might have heard the crazy story of how a man stole Guy Fieri’s Lamborghini Gallardo from the repair shop where it was being kept overnight, all to impress a girl. He also shot up a vehicle and eventually got a life sentence for his crimes, but now he’s getting paroled.

Cops are now posing as rideshare drivers.

That crazy crime spree was 11 years ago when Max Wade was the tender age of 17. He really wanted to impress a certain female, and so he boosted the celebrity chef’s Lambo by rappelling from a lofty window down into British Motors located in San Francisco like he was in a Mission Impossible movie.


Supposedly, Wade didn’t know who the owner of the Gallardo was, just that it was a cool supercar this girl would hopefully be impressed to see him driving. It’s like he never thought about the girl or anyone else asking how a 17-year-old could have a $200,000 exotic ride.

It might seem odd that a life sentence would end in an inmate being paroled after 11 years behind bars, but this isn’t a done deal, yet. As the Los Angeles Times points out in its coverage, Wade’s parole hinges on a 120-day review period. So he might not get it and will continue to remain imprisoned.

Just three years ago, Wade’s attorney got a judge to reduce his prison sentence by 10 years.

As for the shooting up a vehicle, that was months later after his Lamborghini heist failed to impress the girl. She was on a date with another man when Wade rode up on his motorcycle and opened fire on the other man’s truck. Thankfully, the man and his love interest weren’t hit by any of the bullets and he reportedly didn’t know she was inside.

The shooting was Wade’s undoing. Authorities found he rented a storage unit and when they looked inside they not only found the gun and motorcycle but also Guy Fieri’s Lamborghini Gallardo.

Wade reportedly hasn’t had any serious violations while he’s been incarcerated, so that might help him get paroled. We just hope Guy Fieri and all the other celebrity chefs have plenty of aftermarket security on their Lambos.

Image via ABC7 News/X