
Michigan Trooper Lights Up A Fleeing Dodge Durango

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Michigan Trooper Lights Up A Fleeing Dodge Durango
Michigan Trooper Lights Up A Fleeing Dodge Durango

Criminals can be really dumb. When that’s combined a stubborn will to get away from law enforcement no matter the situation, the result can be hilarious and/or incredibly dangerous. Fortunately for the guy fleeing in a stolen Dodge Durango from police in Kent County, Michigan it’s more of the former and not as much of the latter, although it could’ve gone the other direction.

See why running from police in a lifted Jeep is a bad idea.

Really, the shining star of this wintertime pursuit is a cop who deployed a spike strip perfect so the rear tires on the Durango were delated. With those gone, the ability to gain traction on the drive wheels and keep fleeing at speeds well over 100 mph on the highway was greatly diminished.


Backing up, local police originally spotted the stolen Mopar at a gas station and one of them tried performing a traffic stop there. But this suspect decided to give the cop the old Vin Diesel treatment, mistakenly thinking he was in some super hot machine.

Without any nitrous shots of other tricks up his sleeve, he was pretty evenly matched with the police. Even though he led the cops on the highway, they had the trick up their sleeve of a spike strip trap ready to be sprung.

Once those tires were deflated, it was a Michigan trooper’s turn to perform a nice PIT maneuver. He did, the Durango spinning around on the wet road like it was on ice skates, thanks in part to the rear wheels riding on bare rims instead of rubber.

Leaving the pavement, the Durango temporarily tipped onto its passenger-side wheels, precariously balancing and almost rolling onto its roof. Somehow it didn’t and the thing fall back onto all four wheels.

At that point most people would count their lucky stars and surrender. But this dumb criminals with the stubbornness of a donkey decides to keep going, driving across the muddy median and traveling the opposite direction on the other side of the highway. But the trooper was able to PIT the Durango again, pinning it against the guardrail, finally ending the pursuit and crushing the guy’s dreams of ever starring in a Fast and Furious movie. Sad.

Image via State Boyzzz/YouTube