
'Narcissist' ex-cop, convicted of killing estranged wife in Jefferson, gets 79 years

MORRISTOWN — A former Newark police officer, who in 2019 fatally gunned down his estranged wife during an unbridled encounter outside their Jefferson home, was sentenced Monday to 79 years behind bars.

With a confident and firm intonation, Judge Michael Gaus closed out the final chapter in the case of John Formisano, who after a trial that lasted just under two weeks earlier this fall was convicted by a Morris County jury of murder for the death of 37-year-old Christie Solaro-Formisano. The jury also found Formisano, 52, guilty of the attempted murder of her boyfriend, Timothy Simonson.

Prosecutors say Formisano became enraged when he saw Solaro-Formisano with Simonson inside the marital home they once shared. Formisano had levied a defense that he "blacked out" upon seeing the couple, and as a result of a mental defect, did not intentionally kill his wife and wound her boyfriend.

Gaus, who held the sentencing hearing inside a 40-person-deep Morris County courtroom where tear-filled statements came from Solaro's family members, condemned Formisano's attitude on Monday after the former lieutenant, despite his attorney's disapproval, rambled for over a half-hour about the inadequacies of the prosecutors as well as what he called "lies" told during the trial. Formisano also used his time to divulge purported character flaws and inadequacies of his deceased wife and her then-boyfriend.

John Formisano, a former Newark cop convicted of killing his estranged wife and wounding her boyfriend in 2019, listens as family gives heart-wrenching testimony during his sentencing on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022. Formisano, who was sentenced to 79 years in prison, sits next to his attorney Anthony Iacullo.
John Formisano, a former Newark cop convicted of killing his estranged wife and wounding her boyfriend in 2019, listens as family gives heart-wrenching testimony during his sentencing on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022. Formisano, who was sentenced to 79 years in prison, sits next to his attorney Anthony Iacullo.

"I just listened to what may be one of the most narcissistic statements from a defendant that anyone will ever hear in a courtroom," Gaus said.


Formisano, who has been in the Morris County jail since his July 2019 arrest, was sentenced to 50 years in prison for murder and 15 years for attempted murder under the requirement he serve at least 85% of each sentence before being eligible for parole. On those two charges alone, Formisano is guaranteed to spend at least 55¼ years behind bars, after which he will be well over the age of 100. He was also sentenced to 14 years on two endangering charges, because his two young children were inside the home at the time of the shooting.

Formisano on Monday did not apologize for his actions, nor did he say he regretted them, instead stating that Solaro-Formisano "pocketed" the money he would give her to hire babysitters when the couple separated and was a physical abuser who would assault him when angered. He also urged the judge to give him the "maximum" sentence since it was likely he would die in jail, but reassured prosecutors he would be "seeing them in about two years anyway" because he had plans to appeal the jury verdict.

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Gaus said that although Formisano invited him to impose the maximum penalty, he would not entertain Formisano's hopes that his doing so would invite "potential error" to add to his appeal.

Dubbing him a domestic violence abuser "without question," Gaus also noted Formisano's lack of remorse and said his words in court made it clear "he is not sorry."

A grief-stricken family speaks out

Dale Wagner, the stepfather of Christie Solaro-Formisano who was killed by her estranged husband in 2019, speaks in state Superior Court in Morris County on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022.
Dale Wagner, the stepfather of Christie Solaro-Formisano who was killed by her estranged husband in 2019, speaks in state Superior Court in Morris County on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022.

While tears freely flowed from those in attendance in a tension-filled Morris County courtroom Monday as a judge reflected on the actions of a defendant who appeared to show no shame, it was the words from a grieving family that likely left a lasting impact.

Dale Wagner, Solaro's stepfather, exhibited a range of emotions as he spoke from a podium, crying as he remembered small moments from his daughter's childhood, while also outwardly expressing anger toward her former husband.

"Being a mother was her greatest joy. She did everything for them," he said, laughing when he recalled a time when Solaro, then a young child, had brought home a rabbit and hidden it from her parents.

But sweet moments quickly turned to anger for Wagner as he looked at Formisano — who declined to show any emotions — and called him evil, stressing that calling him an "animal would be an insult to animals."

He and Solaro's mother, Debbie Wagner, each called for the maximum penalty, hoping that Formisano's children, who are both in therapy and suffer nightmares, will never have to see their father again.

Much like prosecutors at trial who said Formisano's motive to kill his wife was a final act to gain control over her, Debbie Wagner spoke of the internal strife her daughter was feeling in the marriage. Solaro, days before the shooting, expressed fear in a text message to a friend over Formisano's control over her, and she spoke to her family about how if she angered him, he would withhold money and groceries from the family. Solaro was a trained behavioral therapist but became a stay-at-home mom when she had her children.

The "what ifs" continue to haunt her, Debbie Wagner said, along with the constant regret that she had not done enough to help her daughter.

Wiping tears as she spoke near a poster board filled with photos of her daughter and grandchildren, of whom she has custody, Debbie Wagner recalled when her daughter was born the day after Christmas — a holiday season she said she can no longer enjoy.

"Here I stand before you a week before Christmas at what should be a happy time of the year, but there is little joy, happiness or peace in my heart during this Christmas season at what would have been my daughter's 41st birthday," Wagner said. "As Christie's mother, I have been permanently robbed of any true happiness with an enormous piece of my heart missing forever."

The couple's children, both minors, were not present in the courtroom, but the elder wrote a letter to the court that was read by Debbie Wagner. In it, she wrote of the terror and fear she felt the night of the shooting. She also said she missed the special moments she had with her mom, whom she called her best friend.

Solaro's brother, Steven, and his wife, Susan, also spoke of the lasting impacts the shooting had on the children, with what should have been a happy childhood now one filled with loneliness and fear.

Simonson wrote a letter to the judge, but he was not present in court.

Anthony Iacullo, Formisano's attorney, confirmed he plans to appeal the jury verdict. He purposely avoided making a statement on behalf of his client because of this, but requested that the judge vacate a prior judge's order that Formisano not contact his children. Prosecutors sought a permanent bar.

Gaus extended the no-contact order for 180 days but said he was not in the position to make it definite.

Lori Comstock can be reached on Twitter: @LoriComstockNJH, on Facebook: or by phone: 973-383-1194.

This article originally appeared on New Jersey Herald: Jefferson NJ shooting: Ex-Newark cop sentenced to 79 years