
Nervous Pothead Gets Pitted At 120 MPH

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Nervous Pothead Gets Pitted At 120 MPH
Nervous Pothead Gets Pitted At 120 MPH

Despite conventional wisdom stating that pot smokers are super calm, chill people, we know from experience that’s not always the case. This Arkansas State Police dashcam video helps prove that point after a guy gets busted with pot, then runs and is pitted by a trooper at 120 mph.

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It all starts with the guy in his Chrysler 300 going 68 in a 60 mph zone – not the end of the world. We’ve all done it and sometimes you get caught and pick up a small ticket. But when the trooper walks up to the vehicle in the footage, he smells marijuana. And he notices the temporary tag is expired.


When he asks the suspect about pot, the guy produces a small bag of it. But the trooper also notices he’s nervous before asking the suspect to step out for a probable cause search of the car. That’s when the guy turns the Chrysler back on, throws it in gear, and takes off.

We’re pretty sure this is just a V6 300, so it doesn’t take much for the trooper to catch up, even though the suspect has a head start. The guy won’t pull over again, leaving the trooper with little choice but to PIT him out at 120 mph.

Unlike some high-speed PIT maneuvers, this one doesn’t result in the suspect’s car catapulting into the air, slamming into a barrier, or rolling. It also doesn’t end poorly for the trooper in his cruiser. Instead, the Chrysler spins off the shoulder and ends up in a field, still on all four wheels, but leaving the pothead with no way to just drive away again.

He quickly turns himself over instead of running. Maybe that was the marijuana keeping him calm in the moment?

Image via Police Pursuits/YouTube

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