
BMW M5 'Ring Taxi Demonstrates Aggressive Oversteer, Armco Resistance: Video

The Nürburgring is a place where all manner of automobile can be pushed to its limit. Occasionally, that limit is reached and then crossed, and the result is typically not a favorable one. One of the safer ways to explore the 'Ring is by way of the famed Ring Taxi. It's not cheap, but you can hop into the passenger seat while a pro hustles you around the massive circuit in a suitable machine at speed.

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Sometimes, it seems, that even the Ring Taxi can be pushed past its limits, and the result can be a fascia full of barrier.

The BMW M5 Ring Taxi was recently captured showing some passengers around the Green Hell. Entering a sweeping uphill right, the M5 experienced what some might call an extra dose of oversteer, and found the nose pointing towards the barrier instead of towards the next turn.


The cars behind the Taxi managed to slow down safely, and it appears that all in the car were okay. Hopefully this doesn't spell the end of the M5 Taxi, and we would like to see it repaired and back on the circuit as soon as possible.

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Our favorite part of the video? The YouTube comment section, which is apparently filled with scores of pro drivers who could've easily caught the oversteer and made it successfully into the next turn. Kudos to you armchair professionals who can barely spell the word "drift," never mind hold one in real life.


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