
What if your next Uber driver picked you up in a Bugatti?

Requesting an Uber driver is kind of like playing automotive roulette: You never know what you're going to get.

Odds are good that a Toyota Camry or a Nissan Altima might pop up, but some lucky passengers in Dubai wound up with something much more impressive.

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Instead of an expected Toyota, passengers were picked up by entertainer Coby Persin in a Bugatti Veyron. Like most Veyrons, it wasn't exactly a subtle one as you'll see in the video.

Even in Dubai, where supercars are commonplace, a Bugatti as an Uber is certainly out of the ordinary. Persin took over a friend's account and set off along the sidelines of Sheikh Zayed Road in the rapidly-expanding industrial sector of Dubai not far from the dealership where he picked up the car.


His passengers definitely enjoyed the surprise, with one asking him how fast the car can accelerate. When Persin obliges, the look on her face is pretty much priceless, though that is to be expected in a Bugatti.


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