
One Man's Love for All Porsche 911s Bridges the Air-Cooled vs. Water-Cooled Divide

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Keith Hamersa bridges the gap in the air-cooled vs. water-cooled Porsche 911 debate, celebrating all generations of the iconic car.

The debate between air-cooled and water-cooled Porsche 911s has long divided enthusiasts, often sparking fierce discussions among fans of the iconic sports car. Some purists insist that the only true 911 experience is with an air-cooled model, while others appreciate the advancements brought by water-cooled engines. Amidst this ongoing debate, one man stands out for his unwavering love of all Porsche 911s, regardless of how they’re cooled.


Keith Hamersa, a passionate Porsche aficionado, doesn’t subscribe to the divisive air-cooled versus water-cooled argument. Instead, he celebrates the 911 in all its forms, believing that the essence of what makes these cars special transcends the type of engine cooling they use. In a recent video segment, Hamersa shares his belief that Porsche 911s are the best-driving vehicles ever made, a sentiment that reflects his deep admiration for the car’s engineering and design.

Hamersa’s love for the 911 isn’t limited to just one generation. In fact, he owns both a Porsche 993 and a 996, two models that represent different eras in the car’s evolution. The 993, the last of the air-cooled 911s, is often hailed as the pinnacle of the traditional Porsche experience. On the other hand, the 996, the first water-cooled 911, has been the subject of controversy among enthusiasts, with some arguing that it marked a departure from the car’s roots.

However, Hamersa’s ownership of both models demonstrates his appreciation for the unique qualities each generation brings to the table. He’s driven other sports cars, including his son’s BMW M3, but nothing has impressed him as much as the Porsche 911. For Hamersa, the rear-engine layout is a defining feature that gives the 911 its distinctive character and driving dynamics, something that he believes sets it apart from the competition.

In a landscape where opinions about the 911 can be polarized, Hamersa’s balanced perspective is refreshing. He acknowledges the appeal of air-cooled models but also recognizes the advancements and benefits of water-cooled engines. This open-minded approach offers a welcome contrast to the dogmatic views often seen in forums and on social media, where the debate can become more about proving a point than appreciating the car itself.

Hamersa’s journey to Porsche ownership is also relatable to many. He didn’t acquire his first 911 until after his children were grown, highlighting the fact that for many, owning a hobby car is a milestone that comes later in life. While some might dismiss these vehicles as “midlife crisis mobiles,” Hamersa’s story serves as a reminder that pursuing a passion, no matter the timing, is something to be celebrated.

In a world where car culture can sometimes be defined by divisions, Keith Hamersa’s love for all Porsche 911s is a unifying force. His appreciation for both air-cooled and water-cooled models reminds us that the true essence of the 911 lies in its ability to inspire and thrill drivers, regardless of the generation. As more enthusiasts embrace this inclusive mindset, perhaps it’s time to put the air-cooled versus water-cooled debate to rest and simply enjoy the ride.

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