
Regina Sirvent on Representing Women and Mexico in NASCAR

Photo credit: Illustration by Niege Borges
Photo credit: Illustration by Niege Borges
Photo credit: Illustration by Niege Borges
Photo credit: Illustration by Niege Borges

I arrived at the race track in Monterrey, Mexico, to meet with NASCAR racer Regina Sirvent and, as a Hispanic woman, I was excited from the moment I heard her name.

Just in case you’re not up to speed: Regina Sirvent is a 21-year-old woman NASCAR driver. Her racing career took off like a "stroke of luck," as she puts it, when NASCAR returned to Mexico in 2017. Having already spent seven years karting in the U.S. and Mexico, she was then able to move into the U.S. competition. She was just 14 years old at the time, stepping up onto the NASCAR ladder.

Since then, she became the first woman driver to win in the trucks category in Mexico, and has been included in NASCAR’s Drive for Diversity program, which provides training, development and sponsorship opportunities for young drivers from minority groups or foreign countries. Currently, she’s the only Hispanic woman in this program.


Sirvent is just getting started. I sat down to talk about her future, what it’s like to be a woman in a male-dominated sport, and how her family, specifically her abuelas, support her.

Silvia Vera: How does this dream, for you to become a car driver, begin?


My grandfather, José Sirvent, was a rally driver in the '70s. He was a national champion in Mexico, and it was something I always grew up with, looking at his trophies, his photos, and his car collections. When I turned nine years old, he gave me my first kart, and that's when this dream began. I liked motorsports. But, truthfully, the moment when I realized this was for me, and not just a hobby, was when I entered NASCAR Mexico at 14.

Vera: Tell me what it means to be a Hispanic woman in a primarily male sport.

Sirvent: Representing women and Mexico within NASCAR is cool. I think it has its pros and cons. Its pros are that I receive the love of many fans, brands, and sponsors. But it has not-so-nice parts, like when I won my first NASCAR race in the Trucks in Mexico, they said I was cheating. Or when I was selected to be part of the diversity program in the United States, some important people in the media said that I had done something to be chosen.

Photo credit: Regina Sirvent / Rev Racing
Photo credit: Regina Sirvent / Rev Racing

Vera: What does it mean to the matriarchs of your family that you are a woman driver?

Sirvent: My mom loves to see me racing. She's my biggest fan. She gets excited at my races; she screams; she gets emotional. She gets angry if she sees rule-breaking, or if things are not in my favor. My grandmother is happy that I’m happy. When I go to a race, she doesn't care how I look or if I place, as long as I let her know I'm fine and having fun.

My other grandmother tells me to be brave, to fulfill my dreams. She used to say to my mother you have to fight, no matter how many times people tell you that you are not capable. You can achieve anything.

Vera: How is your relationship with both your grandmothers?

Sirvent: I have a lovely relationship with my grandmothers. We go out for coffee and sweet bread when I visit, which is a very Mexican tradition.

My grandmother on my dad’s side took great care of me when I was little. She would come to my house and we would play princess and the frog. She used to let me do her makeup…I remember I loved to wear their clothes and walk around the house. I would get silly makeup, my grandmother would do the same, and we would walk around the house like that.

There were always sacks of avocados at my grandma's house. She would slice them, and I’d eat them one after another. Those memories are wonderful.

My grandmother on my mom’s side is from Veracruz, and whenever I go to Mexico, she cooks delicious Tamales, Tlacoyos, and chile seco sauce. My grandmother is so funny; she likes to hear about how I'm doing at the races, at school, and with the boys. She just wants to know everything; it’s like talking with a friend.

Vera: Do you and your grandmothers have any traditions at races?

Sirvent: My grandmothers love to pray for me before races, and I love that because, as Mexicans, we think our grandparents’ prayers make us invincible!

Photo credit: Regina Sirvent / Rev Racing
Photo credit: Regina Sirvent / Rev Racing


What are the sacrifices you have made to be where you are?

Sirvent: To race in the United States, I had to leave my family in Mexico. I live in North Carolina. It's also hard to make friends outside of races because I’m busy on the weekends, which is when people my age go out. In Mexico, I didn't go to my friends' quinceañeras. I spent my quinceañera racing…because of the distance, I’ve had to sacrifice family events. My brothers play football, and I haven't been able to go to many games. It isn't easy, but that makes me value the time I spend with my family more.

Vera: What is life like for you in the United States?

Sirvent: I live in Charlotte, the home of NASCAR, and I like it because that's where all the garages and races are. I have everything I want there–except for my family. The pilots have the same goals as me, same passion, and same lifestyle, but it's also a culture shock because I come from a Mexican family, where we hug and kiss. Everything is entirely different here, so that’s strange for me. Both are splendid cultures, but different.

Vera: As a Hispanic living in the United States, seeing Daniel Suárez succeed is lovely because of Hispanic representation in NASCAR. What does it represent for you?

Sirvent: Daniel is an inspiration to me because I believe that representation is significant. Seeing someone there at NASCAR makes me feel we can all achieve it as long as we work hard. I also think it is important for Hispanics [to] continue to support each other because it is the best way to get ahead.

Photo credit: Regina Sirvent / Rev Racing
Photo credit: Regina Sirvent / Rev Racing

Vera: Tell me a little about what it means to you to be part of NASCAR Drive for Diversity.

Sirvent: The program gives me the tools to be a better driver every day. It motivates me because they don't expect you to do everything perfectly; they understand that you are developing and constantly growing for the successive NASCAR league or series.

Another thing I like is that Diversity is inspiring boys and girls to show them that no matter your nationality, gender, or age, as long as you are consistent and work hard, you can achieve your dreams. I think the most important thing is to learn from our mistakes. Because obviously, it's very nice when you win and it leaves you a great feeling, but you learn the most from mistakes. When you do, you start to progress.

Photo credit: Regina Sirvent / Rev Racing
Photo credit: Regina Sirvent / Rev Racing

Vera: What motivates you to keep going?

Sirvent: I focus on the positive, on the adrenaline of racing, which is nearly indescribable for me. I’m grateful for all the support I’ve received, and all the affection from fans and sponsors like Kotex. Before now, you just wouldn’t see a woman’s brand in NASCAR, and today Kotex is helping me fulfill my dream. It hasn’t always been easy going down this road, but I love how far I’ve come as a driver.

Photo credit: Hearst - Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst - Hearst Owned

This story was created as part of From Our Abuelas in partnership with Lexus. From Our Abuelas is a series running across Hearst Magazines to honor and preserve generations of wisdom within Latinx and Hispanic communities. Go to for the complete portfolio.

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