
Road Rager Gets Hit With Felony Charge Under New Law

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Road Rager Gets Hit With Felony Charge Under New Law
Road Rager Gets Hit With Felony Charge Under New Law

Road rage has become a serious issue in many parts of the US. But a new law that just went into effect in Utah July 1 is already netting results. One of those is a man now facing an enhanced felony charge after he pulled a gun on someone he got into a confrontation with.

A driver bites a pedestrian in a bizarre road rage fight.

According to the victim, who spoke with KSL News on camera, it started when he passed some slower-moving traffic. While he didn’t pass the aggressor, that man apparently took the victim’s actions as aggression directed at him.

After following the other driver for a bit, they both pulled over in front of a golf course. That’s when the aggressor took out his gun, allegedly racking a round and pointing it at the head of the victim. This is the sort of thing which could end badly, possibly with a fatality.


The Utah County Sheriff’s Office was able to track down the suspect not too long after the confrontation. Now the 41-year-old man has been charged with third degree felony aggravated assault with a road rage enhancement.

Had this incident happened not too long ago, the road rager wouldn’t be dealing with a felony charge.

The new law in Utah adds an enhancement to traffic charges when authorities determine someone has participated in road rage. That means a class C misdemeanor can be enhanced to a class B, class B to class A, and class A to a third-degree felony, like in this case.

Many are closely watching how this law plays out in Utah courts. It’s possible lawmakers in other states might try passing similar laws if this one seems to hold up under legal scrutiny.

We know a lot of people want something to deter people from engaging in road rage and holding those who still do accountable for their actions.

Image via KSL News/YouTube

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