Hillsdale County Sheriff contracts kitchen services in cost-saving move
Hillsdale County Sheriff Scott Hodshire has contracted out kitchen services at the Hillsdale County Jail.
Hodshire began looking into turning the responsibility of feeding 60 plus inmates, plus or minus a few, daily to a contractor last year when staffing shortages common place in today’s economy began affecting jail operations.
This year, the sheriff successfully brought in Tigg’s Canteen Services out of Tekonsha to take over the jail’s kitchen at a rough cost of $7.80 a day to feed inmates housed at the county jail.
Inmates are provided two hot meals a day and a cold lunch which provide them with around 2,500 calories per day as recommended by a nutritionist, Hodshire said.
While the transition to contractual services had roots in staffing shortages, Hodshire soon saw the cost savings opportunities and the move is expected to save at least $15,000 this year alone with the possibility of saving up to $40,000 a year in the future.
The jail provides two inmate trustees daily to work in the kitchen who, upon completion of their sentences, are certified food safety handlers and have commercial kitchen experience, bringing additional employment opportunities to them, Hodshire said.
Tigg’s Canteen Services also provides commissary services at the jail and has a contract with the Branch County Jail.
This article originally appeared on Hillsdale Daily News: Hillsdale County Sheriff contracts kitchen services