Soon Your Car Will Squawk At You For Speeding
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California is determined to protect you from yourself, especially when it comes to speeding in your car. The state’s legislature recently passed a bill which will require all new passenger cars to be outfitted with a system that will squawk at you every time you speed, and that won’t be limited just to vehicles sold in the state.
Speed cameras in Australia also issue seatbelt violation tickets.
That’s right, even if you live clear on the other side of the country, this California law will affect your life moving forward. After all, we see countless safety warnings on things we buy thanks to the Golden State clutching its pearls over everything under the sun.
As reported by CBS News, Senate Bill 961 passed and it will require all cars starting with the 2030 model year to visually and audibly warn drivers every time they exceed the speed limit by 10 mph. For a lot of areas, that’s just how everyone drives, so have fun hearing your car squawk at you constantly and think of how great California is every time it does.
Called intelligent speed assist, the technology is the wet dream of every authoritarian politician lately. It uses GPS to tell whether you’re going too fast, then warns you to slow down. This is step one, the next being a system that keeps you from speeding.
Among the many problems with this technology is accuracy. Many times we notice on navigation the speed limit displayed isn’t correct and oftentimes is slower than the posted limit. So dealing with your car squawking at you and display some garbage warning on the screen because of that will be annoying.
Even worse, this is a kind of tracking system for the government, or at least the early stages of it. We already know the US Department of Transportation is looking into tracking all vehicle movements so you can be charged a tax for each mile driven. More can be done with that info; it’s just so lovely what authoritarians can dream up.
Of course this is all done to save lives, the ultimate justification for most government encroachment. Just remember to thank California for making this a reality.
Image via Stellantis
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