
Speeding BMW Driver Talks His Way Into An Arrest

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Speeding BMW Driver Talks His Way Into An Arrest
Speeding BMW Driver Talks His Way Into An Arrest

This dashcam footage of an Arkansas trooper chasing down a BMW which flew by him at high speed perfectly demonstrates what you shouldn’t do when a cop pulls you over. Like any good attorney we’ve known says they tell clients, if a cop starts asking you questions, keep your mouth shut. This kid in his mommy’s Bimmer does the exact opposite and it’s disastrous for him.

Ram TRX is decimated running from a Georgia trooper.

The trooper admits in the video he couldn’t even tell what kind of vehicle blasted past him, just that it was loud but probably not a muscle car. Giving chase, he’s not able to keep up with the suspect very well.


One of his colleagues also spots the fleeing suspect, but he can’t tell even what brand of vehicle it is. That might be in part because the driver blacked out the black Bimmer, making it virtually invisible in the night.

But the trooper knows the suspect got off at a certain exit. He just randomly pulls into a gas station and starts looking at a Camaro parked there. So much for the statement that the suspect wasn’t in a muscle car.

That blind act leads to some people at the gas station getting the trooper’s attention, telling him they saw the suspect speed by with his lights switched off, showing him where the guy went. That’s the thing punks who like running from cops at high speeds blacked out don’t seem to understand: regular folks really hate that because they know it’s an incredibly dangerous thing to do.

With that info, the trooper hunts the suspect down as he’s parked in a dark lot behind a building, just sitting there. At first the suspect is quiet and acts confused about why the troopers are there, but he eventually confesses to everything, talking himself into an arrest.

This is why you keep your mouth shut. Hand over your info, answer basic questions, but don’t confess to anything. But people who speed and black out generally aren’t the brightest crayons in the box because doing that on public roads is quite frankly stupid.

Image via LRHNCash/YouTube

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