SUV Catches Air Right Before Deadly Crash
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A deadly crash in Long Island, New York was caught on surveillance cameras along with the moments right before. As the speeding SUV tore through a retail parking lot, it hit a bump and caught air, plowing into the front of a nail salon, leaving four people dead.
A mass shooting at an Oakland street takeover leaves five people hospitalized.
While that’s shocking since such a thing could happen anywhere at any time, it’s concerning that authorities say the driver of the SUV, a Chevy Traverse, was drunk at the time. Everyone knows intoxicated driving is deadly, but to see one could take out four people who weren’t even on the road is a heavy concept.
Thanks to NBC, we see the footage which prosecutors used to establish the driver ran four stops signs and almost hit pedestrians as he blasted through five crosswalks in front of stores. After that reckless driving bout, the guy allegedly ran a red light, caught air, then crashed into the nail salon at 78 mph, according to the event data recorder.
Witnesses not only suspected the driver was drunk, police found alcohol in the Chevy and his blood alcohol level came back twice the legal limit. Now he’s in the middle of a criminal court case which will decide his legal fate.
We know addicts don’t usually think about how their actions affect others, but this is yet another example of how drinking and driving ends lives, ruins other lives, and is an incredibly selfish act. Reportedly, the driver didn’t even ask about the people in the nail salon, instead insisting to police that he didn’t break any laws.
There are many things which can be done about drunk driving, but we’re not going to pretend to know what combination of approaches is optimal for avoiding these types of situations. What we do know is we hate seeing stories like this.
Image via NBC News/YouTube
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