
Watch The Same Suspect Get Taken Down By The Same Georgia Trooper Twice

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Watch The Same Suspect Get Taken Down By The Same Georgia Trooper Twice
Watch The Same Suspect Get Taken Down By The Same Georgia Trooper Twice

Sometimes we see some of the weirdest police dashcam footage of chases, but we think this is the first time we’ve spotted the same suspect caught twice in a row. This woman tried outrunning Georgia State Patrol in a stolen cargo van full of paint cans, ultimately getting herself tazed. Then just four months later she was chased down in a stolen Nissan Altima.

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Even better, it was the same Georgia trooper who stopped her both times. One would think the woman would’ve learned from the first incident, but some people just love repeating hard lessons for some reason.


As one might imagine, using a big, underpowered work van laden with paint to outrun police is just a dumb idea. She did it anyway when she should’ve just pulled over and surrendered. Instead, she ran pathetically and senselessly, forcing the trooper to PIT the van and wrecking someone’s livelihood.

As she ran away from the wreckage, one trooper deployed a taser and she immediately started complaining, because she’s obviously the victim. She also was concerned about the cops retrieving her phone from the destroyed van she was using to run from the consequences of her actions.

That was in May of 2021. By September she was out of jail and back at it, this time in the Altima. She yet again makes a pathetic attempt at running from the pursuing trooper, at points threatening to go head-on with opposing traffic.

Not only does she suck at running from police, she keeps doing it like this time she’ll get away. She does the same “trick” of swerving all over the road, like that’s going to keep the trooper from pitting her out. Either that or she just can’t drive straight for some reason.

She eventually drives into a dead-end, ditches the stolen car, and runs away on foot, yet again getting the taser. And she immediately starts crying and complaining. It’s like she never learns.

How police deal with these types of scofflaws day in and out, keeping their cool as judges and prosecutors play catch and release is beyond us.

Image via State Boyzzz/YouTube

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