
Woman Pulled Out Of Her Truck In Seattle Road Rage Beating

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Woman Pulled Out Of Her Truck In Seattle Road Rage Beating
Woman Pulled Out Of Her Truck In Seattle Road Rage Beating

There’s a serious rash of road rage going on in the country now. Blame it on record temperatures in some areas, Taylor Swift fans, too much sugar in the American diet, or video games – whatever is going on it needs to stop. A report out of Seattle includes footage of a woman being pulled out of her Toyota Tacoma and beat on the street, a scary situation which thankfully didn’t end in a fatality.

A road rage fight in Canada might have more to it than you it initially appears.

The victim told Fox 13 she was visiting her father in Seattle as he’s receiving treatment after having three tumors removed from his brain. Unfamiliar with the streets, she accidentally cut off some women in a black Range Rover.


Those women didn’t just honk their horn, flip her off, and yell some obscenities. Instead, they jumped out of their luxury SUV, pulled the victim out of her truck, held her down on the road, and beat her as dozens looked on.

Because they just pulled the woman out of her Toyota, the truck was still in gear, so it rolled away and hit another car. The victim told the reporter she was scared it was going to run her over.

Instead, she dealt with a hail of blows all for cutting off another vehicle. The punishment doesn’t seem to fit the “crime” at all. But so many people take anything personally on the road these days, it leads to violent responses.

What’s even more infuriating about this case is Seattle Police were slow to respond and from the report it sounds like they’re doing nothing to charge the suspects for the road rage beating. That sends a loud and clear message to the community that the police don’t care, basically encouraging more behavior like this.

Unfortunately, YouTube won’t let us embed the video since it’s now age restricted. We don’t know why that’s the case since so many other road rage fight videos aren’t age restricted on the site. We’ve included the link to watch it so you can see for yourself.

Image via Fox 13 Seattle/YouTube

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