
Is this the world's most brutally honest car ad?

The internet has forced all of us to grow up.

It's presented us with streaming images of wars around the globe. It's changed our opinions of people we thought we knew. It's made us realize that innocent-sounding videos like "Two Girls, One Cup" may not be all that they seem.  

The internet has also made us terrifically media savvy--you might even say "media cynical". We tune out ads as soon as they pop up in our news feeds. We can spot purpose-made viral videos from miles away. And for the folks at Cracked, that's become a starting point for a great series of "Honest" videos.

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You've probably seen a few Cracked clips over the years. They poke fun at advertising campaigns from every industry: fast food, pharmaceuticals, airlines, and many, many more.


Their latest target? Car ads. Or, more specifically, U.S. auto dealers.

If you work at dealership, the clip embedded above might be a little hard to take, but it won't be the first time you've heard critiques like this. Surely by now, everyone knows that America's dealership model is broken. Upstarts like Tesla are trying to take it apart and rebuild it, while stalwarts like Fiat Chrysler want to nudge it in new directions.

The clip will hit close to home for others, too--namely, anyone who's ever bought a car. It pokes fun at franchise laws, haggling, financing, shady dealership practices, service fees, safety tests, and people who buy cars to compensate for...personal shortcomings. And yes, one look at that ill-fitting suit, terrible tie, and awful shoes tells us that Cracked is making fun of sales staff, too.  

No matter which camp you fall into, though, hopefully you'll find it frank and funny. 

[hat tip: Randall Hamlet]