
Jeep Police Chase Goes To Hell In A Handbasket

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Jeep Police Chase Goes To Hell In A Handbasket
Jeep Police Chase Goes To Hell In A Handbasket

We always find it curious when people are in something not meant for high-speed road runs and yet they push the envelope trying to get away from police. Most law enforcement have at least some pursuit-rated vehicles in the fleet, so already there’s a mismatch. But when someone in a Jeep tries smoking the fuzz, that’s when all hell breaks loose, but like in this dashcam footage.

Michigan troopers have their hands full trying to chase a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT.

Brought to us by a deputy from Delta County Sheriff’s Office, the deputy sees the Jeep going the other way on a two-lane rural road, turns around, and begins his pursuit. The suspect decides to not pull over but instead to push the Jeep through the turns, often crossing the double yellow line.


It’s a pathetic attempt at escape. The Jeep is ill-equipped to outrun the cruiser, which effortlessly dogs the off-roader. Despite not being able to ditch the cop, the suspect keeps on going as if something magical will change the situation.

You have to wonder what kind of person would do this? Are they just determined to find a way to ditch the deputy? Or are they not very intelligent and think if they keep doing the same thing a different result will suddenly emerge?

If it’s the latter, the suspect is correct, although probably not in the way he had hoped. As they enter a town, another deputy sets up Stop Sticks and gets a direct hit on at least one of the Jeep’s tires, despite the suspect swerving at the last second.

Not too long after, the Jeep starts listing to the driver’s side, smoke starts appearing from the tires, and it’s obvious the suspect is having trouble keeping the rig going straight. While any rational person wouldn’t have pushed things this far, the suspect just keeps on going despite it being obvious the chase is over.

The rear and front driver’s side tires disintegrate, leaving the Jeep riding on the bare wheel rims before the suspect steers off the road, perhaps believing that’s a better route. He comes blasting back onto the road, clearly struggling to keep the vehicle under control.

But the guy keeps going.

He finally takes a turn fast enough to spin the two-tire Jeep around, leaves the road, and hits a pole. Only then does the guy stop running, probably because he can’t get the rig going again. Unbelievable.

Image via LRHNCash/YouTube