
Man Leaps From Car Going 70 MPH

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Man Leaps From Car Going 70 MPH
Man Leaps From Car Going 70 MPH

There are jokes about jumping out of airplanes or even fast-moving cars, but one man in Georgia actually did it. Sadly, 37-year-old Darryl Thompson of Warner Robins leapt out of a car his wife was driving at 70 mph down Interstate 75 in Macron, dying from injuries sustained from impacting the ground.

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At first we were wondering if this was a kidnapping situation or some other life-and-death scenario since jumping out of a vehicle going freeway speeds likely will result in serious injury if not a fatality. But according to a report from The Monroe County/Macron Reporter, Thompson jumped out of the car at about 2:12 am on August 3 after he and his wife got into a fight.


Who jumps out of a moving car because of a disagreement? Apparently, Thompson had done it at least once before, or so his wife reportedly told Monroe County deputies during their investigation.

After he jumped from the vehicle, his wife circled back around on the interstate but couldn’t find Thompson. Scared, she called 911 for help. Deputies found him unconscious on the side of the highway, partly obscured by some grass.

Deputies later used fingerprints to positively identify Thompson at the hospital, per the report. We can only imagine the extent of the injuries he suffered.

We have no other information on the incident, like if drugs or alcohol were involved. The story about him jumping from a car in the past also hasn’t been confirmed. We assume investigators are looking into all possibilities at this point, considering the man is dead under what we and most people would describe as unusual circumstances.

While sad, this situation should help reinforce that even in a kidnapping or other emergency, jumping from a car that’s going 70 mph is a bad idea.

Image via WSB-TV