
Truck Crash Leads To Road Rage Fight

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Truck Crash Leads To Road Rage Fight
Truck Crash Leads To Road Rage Fight

Too many people are living in their brain’s basement these days, with road rage fights being one of the many results. That includes car crashes leading to all-out brawls like this one between the occupants of two pickup trucks.

See which state is number one for road rage in the nation.

After a crash between the two vehicles on Long Island, New York one of them flips onto its side. Instead of everyone getting out and making sure nobody is seriously injured, the two groups of men started punching and kicking each other.

Then the violence escalated and some grabbed two-by-fours and others baseball bats, using those to beat their road rage opponents.


What’s horrible about this case is a child was in the backseat of the truck that didn’t overturn. That means the kid witnessed the whole brawl unfold and who knows what kind of harm that has done for the long term?

Talk about setting a bad example.

While nobody was seriously hurt in the fight, which with the weapons used is a miracle, some did have to get treatment at the hospital. And police made some arrests.

Road rage is a hot topic right now with talk of passing tough laws to punish those who engage in it more harshly. One state has already put such a law into place with others eagerly watching to see how that plays out legally.

Most people would agree something needs to happen to get the road rage problem under control. We see fights like this far too often. Even worse, some road rage incidents end with someone using lethal force.

Trying to seriously injure or kill someone else because they cut you off, tailgated your vehicle, etc. is crazy. Yet people are doing it and it needs to stop.

Image via Eyewitness News ABC7NY/YouTube

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