
Honda's Fit Kit brings automaking into the DIY age — not

April 1 always brings a cornucopia of too-good-to-be true automotive news, with an emphasis on the corn. So credit Honda for a more inspirational idea: the Fit Kit, the ultimate challenge for loft-dwelling do-it-yourselfers who've always wanted to experiment with artisinal, small-batch auto assembly.

No, you really can't have the 180,000 parts from a Honda Fit delivered by drone to your house so that you and your floatsam-collecting significant other can wrench together a subcompact car next to the homebrewing supplies. Although it's not the first time someone has come up with the idea of a flat-packed car in reality.

And Honda should be careful making too much fun of hipsters with cats; people with a well-developed appreciation for the quirky and overlooked are the main, and perhaps sole, target audience of the Crosstour.