
New GoPro HERO4 Session Drops Some Features To Get Small

Motor Authority

GoPro has announced a brand-new camera for its lineup of capture-anything-and-everything video devices. It's called the HERO4 Session, and it's smaller and lighter than the standard Hero 4 Black or Silver models already offered.

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Not just a little bit smaller either, mind you. The Session is 50 percent smaller and drops 40 percent of the weight over the other cameras.

The more compact model won't offer up the same level of features as the top-flight larger models, but it will capture images and video in full HD glory. While the Black model can handle 4K video work, the Session will record in either 720, 1080, or 1440 resolutions. At 1080, you can grab 60 frames per second. Dropping to 720 will give you 100 frames per second, and the 1440 mode is capped at 30 frames per second.

This new model has an updated audio recording system as well. It better be a good one, because there's no way to capture audio with an external device plugged into the Session. While the audio capture capability for non-motorized sports is typically alright, it's a bit tough when it comes to automotive applications. In a car, you're probably going to be okay, but if you want to capture exterior shots you better have a solution for the sound you're going to get. (Or do like we do, and dedicate one GoPro to an external-mic setup.)