
How to recycle what goes into and on your car

How to recycle what goes into and on your car

Many Earth Day programs center around recycling everyday products such as consumer electronics. But did you know you can do your part when it comes to your car, too?

Charity organizations offer car-donation programs through you can get rid of your vehicle and possibly get yourself a tax deduction while helping others. One example is Kidney Cars, which recycles 15,000 cars a year, plus 60,000 tires and 30,000,000 pounds of steel. Donated vehicles are sold at auction, or their parts are sold and salvaged. Money from the parts and cars is used to finance research, disease screenings, and education.

Do a Google search for other local and national charities that you can support through vehicle donation. Seek established organizations with a good reputation, ensuring your donation provides the assistance you intend. (Find out how to make sure your donation counts.)

Besides donating an unwanted car, you can also recycle what goes into and on your car.