
I Would Daily Drive the Hell Out of the Toyota GR Corolla Rally SEMA Concept

gr corolla sema rally special concept
Toyota GR Corolla Rally Concept Is a Dream DailyToyota

Most SEMA concepts feel like throwaways, design items meant to stoke a moment of excitement, then fade away into the online milieu. Now I have no idea whether Toyota plans on turning something like this freshly unveiled GR Corolla Rally Concept into something we can roll off a showroom floor, but it's impossible for me to roll my eyes at this one.

Just look at it! It's full rally dork drag show! I can immediately imagine myself living with this car, commuting in it, subjecting my wife to the terrors of stiff bucket seats and handbrake turns into every grocery store parking lot in suburban Seattle.

gr corolla sema rally special concept

Toyota built this rally concept on top of some very sturdy bedrock. We love the GR Corolla around these parts, with its drivetrain's homologation roots, bolstered by the practicality of the four-door Corolla. At least one staff member (maybe another) is actively trying to secure an allocation for when these cars finally hit the States.

But what if you ratcheted up the whole rally angle and went to town with the bodywork? We're so glad Toyota asked.

gr corolla sema rally special concept