
Immaculate Ejection: Guy Survives Being Flung Into The Ocean By Rolling FJ Cruiser

Gif: Mark Makhoul/YouTube
Gif: Mark Makhoul/YouTube

If you know what you’re doing and don’t take any unnecessary risks, driving on the beach can be a blast. As one man in Kuwait found out recently, though, if you’re too reckless, things can go from fun to very bad in the blink of an eye. One minute, you’re driving along in your Toyota FJ Cruiser, and the next you’re flying through the air and praying the landing doesn’t hurt too badly.

Had he just rolled the FJ Cruiser, it still would have been an incredible thing to catch on video. It didn’t go over once but twice, nearly sticking the landing before rolling onto its side in the water. The driver’s decision not to wear a seatbelt, though, quickly came back to bite him. It looks like the impact of rolling the car shattered the driver’s side window, so when it continued rolling, he ended up being ejected into the air, showing off a few spin moves of his own.