
Italy Actually Made Alfa Romeo Change the Milano's Name to 'Junior'


Alfa Romeo is changing the name of the upcoming Milano compact SUV, following a public beef with the Italian government. Now, instead of being named after the iconic city from which the brand was born more than 100 years ago, Alfa Romeo's newest SUV will be called "Junior."

Why would the Italian government take issue with one of its country's most famous brands naming an internationally sold vehicle after one of its most famous cities? Because it could imply that the SUV is built in Italy, even though it won't be. Rather, the now-named Alfa Romeo Junior will be built in Poland, at the company's Tychy plant. Calling it "Milano" would have run afoul of Italian law, industry minister Adolfo Urso told Reuters last week.

"You cannot give indications that mislead consumers," Urso said. "So a car called Milano must be produced in Italy. Otherwise, it gives a misleading indication which is not allowed under Italian law," Urso said. Wait until he gets a load of what Pepperidge Farms is doing here in the United States—he'll flip his lid.