
Koenigsegg Made an Over-Engineered Mini Shrine to Hold Your Hypercar's Key

Koenigsegg via Instagram
Koenigsegg via Instagram

Christian von Koenigsegg can't do anything in a simple manner. Every product that bears his name must be so ornate and created with such precision that its construction impresses even the smartest among us. So why wouldn't Koenigsegg's new key holder be the most absurdly over-engineered one we've ever seen?

In Koenigsegg's defense, someone who pays several millions of dollars for a hypercar likely wants to keep its key in something more special than an olive wood tray from T.J. Maxx. But even in the world of high-end key housing devices, Koenigsegg's stands out, because it looks like it should protect something that would trigger a world-ending technology, sat atop a Bond villain's desk.