
Porsche GT3 Wrecked on the Tail of the Dragon Thanks to Truck That Crossed Lanes

adam lz porsche gt3 crash
Porsche GT3 Totaled on the Tail of the DragonAdam LZ - YouTube

A popular YouTuber was lucky to come out mostly unscathed after being involved in a crash in late September on the Tail of the Dragon while behind the wheel of his Ultraviolet purple Porsche 911 GT3. The car, however, was not so lucky.

Adam Lizotte-Zeisler, better known on the internet as popular car-themed YouTuber and influencer Adam LZ, was leading a pack of 2022 GT3s through the tight, twisty back roads of the Smoky Mountains when he came face to face with a Chevy Silverado driving in his lane. Though a head-on collision was avoided, video shows the Silverado making contact with the front right portion of the GT3 before careening into the roadside.


No serious injuries resulted from the crash, but Lizotte-Zeisler suffered minor bruises to his right hand and forearm.

The Paint-to-Sample, six-speed GT3 suffered a much worse fate. In addition to the bumper, right-side radiator, and right fender being destroyed, Lizotte-Zeisler says the A-pillar and the rocker panel were pushed in during the collision, and speculates the car could be totaled by the insurance company. On the surface, it doesn't seem like it would take much to fix, though all sorts of additional damage could be hiding underneath.

Lizotte-Zeisler says the driver of the Silverado was assigned fault for the crash by police. It's unclear at this time whether he'll purchase another GT3 to replace this one, but has doubts as to whether he can find a replacement, as new GT3s are almost impossible to get ahold of, with waitlists stretching years.

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