
Is Tesla Fudging Driving Range Claims?

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Is Tesla Fudging Driving Range Claims?
Is Tesla Fudging Driving Range Claims?

A new report from Reuters claims Tesla has engaged in a systemic effort to overstate driving range claims for its model lineup, then cancel service appointments for customers convinced their EV had a problem. It’s the kind of scheme we’ve seen from other automakers in the past, like Ford and Hyundai, who wildly overstated fuel economy figures for vehicles to win customers. If the claims from Reuters are true, this strategy by Tesla could backfire splendidly.

See the aftermath of an EV garage fire.

Allegedly, Tesla created a “Diversion Team” based in Las Vegas whose sole purpose was to cancel service appointments for customers concerned their vehicle’s lack of range meant there was a problem with it. Anonymous sources claim the team would celebrate whenever someone talked a Tesla owner out of keeping their service appointment in a scene that almost sounds like it came straight out of The Wolf of Wall Street.

Canceling appointments apparently had a double-fold benefit for Tesla. Each cancellation saved the company money and helped reduce long wait times at service centers. And we keep hearing about EVs supposedly needing little servicing!

Worse, Reuters says a source claims Tesla vehicle range meters purposely provide “rosy” projections for how far a driver can go on a charge. The move supposedly was for positive marketing as the automaker has worked to convince people owning an EV is no less practical than a traditional car. After all, car shoppers are more likely to get a Tesla or any electric car if they believe it can go further on a single charge.