
18 Inappropriate Logo Designs I Can't Believe Businesses Actually Approved

1.This logo that made reading "bunch of grapes" much harder than it had to be:

"Brunch of grapes" written in staggered letters

2.This business center's logo that looks like someone sitting on the toilet:

A logo that looks like someone sitting on a toilet

3.This logo that actually says "Sid's" but you wouldn't think that at first glance:

A logo that looks like "STD'S"

4.This creepy logo for a plastic surgeon:

A logo with an eye, a knife, and lips

5.This logo for a childcare center that looks like it says XXX:

A daycare center logo with that looks like "XXX"

6.This logo for a Turkish water brand that doesn't look like someone is...drinking water:

A logo that appears as if someone is receiving oral sex

7.This logo with haunting animation:

A logo of donkeys

8.This logo for the Beltway Plaza Mall that no one would understand:

An illegible logo for Beltway Plaza Mall

9.This logo for a singing tavern that looks like people being killed:

A logo that appears to have people hanging from musical notes