
19 Infuriating Photos Of People Who Don't Know How To Behave In Public

Aliens! They live among us. How do I know? Because some people are doing things so backward, so just plain WRONG, that there's only one explanation: They're aliens!

A GIF of two aliens
A GIF of two aliens

ParanormalTV / Via

Don't believe me? Here are some ETIs (extraterrestrial idiots):

1.This visitor from the Andromeda Galaxy definitely skimmed the "Clothing" section of the How to Be a Human handbook.

Person at a counter in cut-off jeans and a tank top made out of condom packs

2.And this alien from another planet was thinking, Heh, heh! Look at me! I'm a totally convincing human enjoying a movie in a theater while working on my laptop!

A person sitting in a movie theater with an open laptop in their lap

3.These humanoids tried — and failed — to convincingly name a baby like typical human parents.

They're pretty sure they're naming their newborn "Reighfyl," pronounced like "rifle"

4.And these visitors from outer space also tried to replicate normal human parental behavior...but missed the mark.

Text exchange between parents saying how their teenagers still don't know the alphabet, days of the week, times tables, or capital cities

5.This "young lady" (but almost certainly a visitor from another universe) thought it was very normal and very human to repeatedly have sex on the stairs of her apartment building.

A handwritten letter to a "young lady" about how "the stairs is not where you entertain and have sex; we've seen you in various states of undress"

6.This Martian hoped to give the appearance of being a normal human by selling something online (as humans are known to do), but didn't quite pull it off.

A bunch of photos of false teeth against a ruler, with the text "Full teeth set $100 X14; selling my uncle's full teeth set, only worn three times; only reason for selling is he owes me money"

7.Ditto for this otherworldly creature who tried in vain to take a totally normal human photo of the product he was selling.

He's selling "Yeezys," and the photo shows the shoes being worn by someone with their legs in the air and their underwear and jeans down around their ankles

8.This being from beyond attempted to have a normal familial interaction over Facebook.

"If you weren't my cousin — wait, that's never bothered me before lol"

9.And this little green (shirted) man has got to be from the same planet as the last guy.