
19 Poor, Miserable Souls Who Are Just Having A Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Worse Week Than You

If you just had an absolutely terrible week, just remember...

1.The person whose record collection just got a bit more groovy:

A melted record

2.The person whose coffee creamer had a very special ingredient in it:

A moldy bottle of coffee creamer

3.The person who just wanted to let their water pipe breath a bit:

A hole in the wall exposing a pipe

4.The person whose bowl of ramen looks like the backseat of my friend's car in high school:

An over-spiced bowl of ramen

5.The person who apparently invited Shrek over for a pool party:

A dirty pool

6.The person who is about to make The Last Of Us reality:

Mold and fungus on food

7.The person who will look upon this donut and think of all they lost:

A donut on the floor of a car

8.The person whose motorcycle trip ended with unfathomable loss:

Dead bugs on someone's helmet

9.The person who experienced the very rare Double Spill:

Spilled liquids on the floor

10.The person who asked for a Coke and had the universe tell them no:

A broken Coke can

11.The person whose milk may have sprung a leak:

Spilled milk in a fridge

12.The person whose donut had the unthinkable happen to it:

A faulty donut

13.This person who ended up with a big ol' cartoon finger:

Someone's swollen finger

14.The person whose car might just be missing something important:

Piece of a car engine on the road

15.The person whose mom kicked the life out of a plant:

A broken/dead plant

16.The person whose blender exploded all over itself:

An exploded blender

17.The person whose banana bread has a very special ingredient... shards of delicious glass:

Broken glass in an oven

18.The person who might want to read a few PDFs on how to do laundry after this:

Soap coming out of the laundry machine

19.And the person whose stress ball went absolutely nuclear:

A broken stress ball