
2021 Acura TLX Long-Term Update | A surprise upgrade

2021 Acura TLX Long-Term Update | A surprise upgrade

That may look a lot like our long-term 2021 Acura TLX A-Spec, but in this case, your eyes deceive you. Say hello to our not-so-long-term TLX Type S, which is subbing in for the A-Spec while the latter undergoes a little exploratory surgery to diagnose what appears to be an escalating electrical issue.

Yes, our handsome blue steed is currently lame. What first manifested as odd transmission behavior and the occasional infotainment reboot escalated to the vehicular equivalent of a grand mal seizure on a rainy Michigan day, resulting in a flat-bed ride to the dealership and fast-tracking our plans to get the TLX in for a diagnosis.

So, for the foreseeable future, I'm enjoying an extra two cylinders and nearly 100 more horsepower. All upsides, right? To a degree. While the extra power is certainly welcome, it comes at a cost – 200 pounds, give or take. That extra weight erodes some of the qualities I appreciate most about our long-term A-Spec.