
2024 Corvette E-Ray Ordering Delay

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Is this a chess game between automakers and unions?

The high-stakes world of automotive production rarely has room for errors, particularly when there's a buzz around a hotly anticipated model like the 2024 Corvette E-Ray. So when Chevrolet promises one thing and delivers another, it's worth examining the circumstances with a skeptical eye.

Watch an E-Ray prototype burn to the ground here.

Despite promises to dealers that the order books for the E-Ray would open on August 17th, only the Stingray and Z06 models have been made available. Now, Chevrolet tells us that production for the E-Ray has been postponed to October 23rd, well after the United Auto Workers (UAW) contract comes to an end on September 14th. As far as delays go, this isn't just a hiccup—it's a full-blown curveball. Could this be a chess move, a strategic play to lessen the urgency around a new product launch during sensitive labor negotiations?


Recent comments from Sean Fain, the head of the UAW, suggest as much. Fain has called it "critically important" for local UAW unions to authorize a strike as leverage against the Big Three automakers. While some of the union's demands—such as inflation protection and better pay for temporary workers—seem reasonable, others are eyebrow-raising to say the least. A 40% increase in pay paired with a demand for a 4-day workweek? Even in an era of labor empowerment, this smacks of audacity.

The automakers' retort is equally severe, asserting that the union’s demands could saddle them with an $80 billion annual burden and potentially jeopardize their competitive standing. They point out, not inaccurately, that their domestic labor costs are already higher than those of rivals like Tesla and various European and Asian manufacturers.

Here's the core issue: The delay in E-Ray orders might not just be a simple production hiccup; it could be a calculated move. By putting off the start of E-Ray production until after the UAW-GM contract is hammered out, Chevrolet could be removing one pressure point from the negotiating table. This could, in theory, make it easier to navigate the treacherous waters of labor talks without the added chaos of halted production lines and half-finished cars creating a crisis atmosphere.

As we watch this high-stakes game unfold, it's worth remembering that delays like these don't just happen in a vacuum. They're often the visible tip of a very complicated iceberg. While labor negotiations are essential and often complex, the ripple effects can be far-reaching, affecting consumers, dealers, and the automakers themselves. And when it comes to something as eagerly awaited as the E-Ray, it’s hard not to wonder if we’re all just pawns in a larger game.

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